Appreciation Dinner for Hospice

This video explores the difference between accreditation and non-accreditation and why choosing an AATB-accredited organization is important when researching whole body donation.
A Deep Dive into The History of Cadaver Use and Whole Body Donation

The use of cadavers to further education of the human body was developed in the third century with the establishment of the school of Greek medicine in Alexandria. Before human dissection, knowledge of medicine was based largely on observation, supposition, the study of animals, and the examination of human bones. In the early 3rd Century,
Consent: The Basics

Anatomical donation is an alternative to traditional funeral arrangements with the potential to impact the quality of medical care and breakthroughs for generations to come.
The Importance of Caregivers

Anatomical donation is an alternative to traditional funeral arrangements with the potential to impact the quality of medical care and breakthroughs for generations to come.
Funeral Burial, Cremation, Whole Body Donation: What is the best option for you?

Anatomical donation is an alternative to traditional funeral arrangements with the potential to impact the quality of medical care and breakthroughs for generations to come.