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Body Donation Blog

Body Donation Blog

Illustration of see-through human figure showing the human heart

The Beat Goes On: Prioritizing Heart Health

“If the home is a body, the table is the heart, the beating center, the sustainer of life and health.” – Shauna Niequist Beating 2.5 billion times over the average lifetime, the heart is a vital organ with a 24/7 job, pumping blood and providing oxygen and nutrients to your body that are needed to

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DNA strand with a cancer cell on it

The Connection Between Whole Body Donation and Cancer Research

Whole body donation will always have a connection to the growth of medical education and especially medical research when it comes to discovering the causes and treatments of infectious diseases and cancer. With tissue gathered from donations, researchers can learn how cancer grows and spreads, how certain drugs work against cancer in different groups of

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People receiving and standing in line for vaccinations

The Development of Clinical Trials

In modern medicine, clinical trials are the gold standard of clinical research. Clinical trials are well-controlled, function under a strict regulatory environment, and are a type of research study that is performed on people to evaluate a medical, surgical, or behavioral intervention. This intervention could include drugs, cells, other biological products, surgical procedures, radiological procedures,

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Cross section of human bone showing what osteoporosis looks like

Osteoporosis: The Silent Disease

Osteoporosis also known as a “porous bone” is a bone disease that develops when bone mineral density or bone decreases or when the structure or strength of the bone changes. Healthy bones look like a honeycomb when viewed under a microscope, porous bones have large spaces of holes within the honeycomb meaning your bones become

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Female hand holding red model of human heart extending it to male hand

Getting Real About Donation: Can You Be an Organ and Whole Body Donor?

One common misconception when it comes to donation, in general, is that organ donation and whole-body donations are mutually exclusive. While certainly similar, there are significant differences that everyone should be aware of when choosing which one is right for you and answer one of the most frequent questions “Can you be both an organ

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Female lab assistant holding up and looking at a test tube

Celebrating Iconic Women in Science

There have been many women who are leaders in ground-breaking scientific research across the globe and have had a significant role in humanity’s scientific advancement. Even though they are so significant in the scientific community, women only represent about 33.3% of scientific researchers globally. Despite their smaller numbers, history is full of women who made

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Gloved hand manipulating lenses on a microscope with test tubes on the table

Exploring Medical Research

“Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose.” – Zora Neale Hurston Whole body donation plays a huge role in medical research and education. Cadavers offer a type of hands-on experience that cannot be recreated through technology and are used by medical students, physicians, researchers, and scientists to study things such

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