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Body Donation Blog

Wooden model of human brain with wooden puzzle pieces lying on it and beside it

The Correlation Between Type 3 Diabetes and Alzheimer’s Disease

Diabetes mellitus (diabetes for short) is a health condition where your body has difficulty converting sugar to energy. Diabetes has been documented since 1552 B.C, when Hesy-Ra, an Egyptian physician, documented the symptom of frequent urination as a symptom of a mystery disease that also caused emaciation. As of today, there are more than 37

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Close up of surgeon cutting gauze

The Basics of Wound Care and The Role Cadavers Play

The Growth of Wound Care Wound care has been around since the beginning of humankind and the basic principles of wound care have been around since as early as 2000 B.C. The oldest medical manuscript, a clay tablet from 2200 B.C, is the first documented writing that has the three basic healing principles: Washing the

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Courtyard view of buildings at Johns Hopkins University

The History of Johns Hopkins University: The First Research University

“Our simple aim is to make scholars, strong, bright, useful, and true.” Daniel Coit Gilman, JHU’s first President Johns Hopkins University, founded in 1876 takes its name from 19th-century Maryland philanthropist and entrepreneur Johns Hopkins. With the help of the first president, Daniel Coit Gilamn, Johns Hopkins, the nation’s first research university, opened not only

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Large oak tree in a meadow with the sun shining through its branches

Tree Pod Burials: A Life After Death

A mighty wind blew night and day It stole the oak tree’s leaves away Then snapped its boughs and pulled its bark Until the oak was tired and stark But still the oak tree held its ground While other trees fell all around The weary wind gave up and spoke, “How can you still be

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Woman sitting up in bed with a man and a woman sitting on either side of her comforting her

The Vital Role Of Family In Hospice Care

Hospice is a specialized care program that is typically offered to people who have six or less months to live due to a terminal illness. There are some hospice programs that offer long term care if needed and can be offered in the home, nursing home, assisted living facility, hospital, or hospice house. Fast Hospice

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Two red roses on a headstone in a cemetery

Moving Past Tradition

Why People Are Seeking Alternatives To Traditional Funerals It is no secret that the cost for a traditional funeral is increasing annually and has been for quite some time with the average funeral costing anywhere between $7,000 – $12,000. These prices clearly are not always easily affordable for all families which can make holding a

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